Our Solutions

Continuous, scalable, automated oversight

Conduct granular oversight throughout your investment hierarchy, delivering enhanced visibility and assurance for significantly reduced resource requirements.

A future-proof solution to increasing regulatory and investor scrutiny.

Enhanced visibility and assurance
ESG Book of Record Cover

ESG book of record

Build an independent, auditable, empirical record of ESG compliance, evidencing security-level adherence checks vs user-defined goals.

A central compliance data repository for internal and external stakeholders.

Screening, restrictions, exclusions & alignments

Build user-defined alignment checks versus any of the 100s of metrics within the data-provider’s data dictionary using our Rules Engine. 

Effortlessly apply these checks to relevant investments to check adherence and flag potential exceptions.

Rules - Create Rule
Inclusion & Exclusion Lists

Inclusion & exclusion lists

Upload public or user-defined inclusion/exclusion lists to enable continuous compliance checks.

LEI-level mapping delivers enhanced coverage and assurance.

External manager & fund-of-funds oversight

Our look-through engine drills down to the underlying holdings of externally managed collectives and fund-of-funds structures to perform remote oversight and ensure alignment with your internal standards.

An essential 2LoD for the veracity of external attestations.

KnowYourFunds Look-through Engine
Exceptions Alerts

Exceptions alerts

Get alerted to potential non-alignment via timely, automated alerts delivered either via the UI or by email.

Record explanations and actions taken to build a contemporaneous audit trail within the ESG Book of Record.

SFDR: Article 8 & Article 9 funds

Check and record adherence to Principal Adverse Impacts, SDG alignment etc and report on Article 8 and 9 funds under the SFDR regime.

SDR: anti-greenwashing and fund labelling

An off-the-shelf solution delivering the ongoing, systematic, evidence-based, independent assessment that is at the heart of the FCA’s SDR requirements.

Regulatory compliance

Navigate the complexity and developing nature of regulatory compliance, across multiple jurisdictions, with our adaptable SaaS solution.

ESG Book of Record for Compliance

Shariah compliant & Halal investing

Upload public or user-defined inclusion/exclusion lists to enable continuous compliance checks.

Ensure compliance with the goals and values of Shariah by checking and monitoring adherence to Islamic principles.